Wednesday, February 18, 2015

A quickie

Dear FY,

While my ex boss aka current colleague is leaving for career progression, the happy moment is shortened with depression. The sifu and my entertainment was my sole motivation to work. I really do not feel comfortable to depart with him. Or many will agree that I depend too much on him, living in his shadow.

My relationship is in a mess and I really do not want to mention it here. Conclusion of my relationship : My pillow is my loyal lover.

iPhone 6? Coffee machine? Australia trip again? Too materialistic as a human, my salary and bonus are simply not good enough for any of these. I am a sadist.

Sorry FY that I am being a negative person again. It is difficult to see myself dealing with things. 

Perhaps on a brighter note I find it soothing when making churros. At least it is relevant to my dream. It is my honour if you try one of this.

Yours truly,

[Jino] - A man's not a man unless he knows how to shoot


  1. Replies
    1. happy chinese new year~ my number is 0166962733 (i have seen your name numerous times and i think it's time to move a step further)

      [Jino] - A man's not a man unless he knows how to shoot
