Saturday, November 13, 2010

Balance of life

Before my work starts I look forward to my lunch time. After lunch, I cannot wait to dash home. Moods vary with Monday blues and thank god it's Friday. I don't like my job. I want to quit.

Oh no I cannot quit! I need money. I want to save. There's no specific reason to save at the moment but I find it depressing to spend my hard earn money. The more I save, the happier I am.

Open up the wallet and it's my source of motivation at work.

Li Ning, 李宁

[Jino] - A man's not a man unless he knows how to shoot


  1. What's that picture in the wallet?

  2. Look at the bright least now u got cash. A bit a bit later become a mountain too!

    Your working hours really sucks.

  3. Eh, he motivates you to do what exactly? :)

  4. william, zidane & orange: a model, the link is here

    carpe: cash is flowing in, but turtle rate XD

    ichi: you should get one too ^^

    bern: you were the one who showed me, remember?

    savante: err nothing in particular. just to brighten my day XD

    edwin: ... (skip XD)

    [Jino] - A man's not a man unless he knows how to shoot
