Friday, July 16, 2010

Influenza A, anyone?

It is sad to learn that my baby at home succumbed to Influenza A, said the children specialist. To be on the safe side, similar test was done to his mum and brother who also suffer Influenza A-like illness. As expected, they have also caught up to Influenza A. Since I've never suspected him, I have been playing with the baby all the time. 2 days passed after the discovery yet I find no wrong with my health. There is no sign of prevalence but that does not guarantee anything. Chances are, the virus is still in its incubation period. Hence I made my first move in case misfortune takes place. My first move is to write my death will and it is stored in one of my treasure boxes. To be exact, is treasure box #3. If you happen to come across my death, kindly tell my family about the will ^^.

[Jino] - A man's not a man unless he knows how to shoot


  1. U'll be in the pinkiest of worries buddy.

    ps. hope i'll get a share of your wealth too.

  2. aiya, sure no problem one, my classmate kena, my church mates kena, but all like nothing, like normal flu..

    You will survive, at least that's what I think..

  3. wishing ur baby and everyone all ok. :)

  4. I am sure you won't die one. If you do how I can minum kopi with you... err... better not go for the answer.

  5. ichimaru: huh?

    carpe diem: wealth? no such things in the treasure box XD

    nicholas: haha are you sure about that?

    law: i advise you to think twice...

    rebecca: just in case ma. i have to write one some day, so better practise now haha.

    koala: baby is still under treatment and medication but we adults are ok already.

    william: ehh i am ok no sick langsung.

    eric: what do you want to do with my will?

    yin koon: haha i want to die honourably and beneficially...

    [Jino] - A man's not a man unless he knows how to shoot
