Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Not in the mood to dig out my Morse or Braile code. But enthusiastic enough to do something different. Therefore a 'phonetic' code such as this which does not need plenty of wisdom to decipher, is most suitable for the likes of you XD.

444 26 2266677733.3 8666 3.332844!

77778.883999444664 6255337777 633 7777666 777755533.337999

444 6633.33.3 766677766!

4423 84477733.33 7777337777.7777444666.667777 666333 833355 8666
332777733 6999 77778777337777.7777

222.2555.555 633 2 94466677733!

444 92668 99.99.99!


p/s: Hp codes. Full stop indicates pause

[544466.666] - 2 6266'7777 66.6668 2 6266 8866555337777.7777 4433
5566.66697777 446669 8666 777744666.6668


  1. .............. I have no comment... There's one 7 too many for the 3rd last line! And yes, mister horny guy, cut down on porn! Haha!

    PS: Can't believe i actually spend the time deciphering this! GRRR!

  2. mistake corrected! haha it takes awhile, dont you?

    [Jino] - A man's not a man unless he knows how to shoot

  3. = ="'
    i feel so......... so........ haiz~
    how can u have time to do all this while exam is near ar?
    i odi wan panic lor... u still calm lor... >.<\

    [edwin]-you know who i am?

  4. william and edwin, you guys can read meh?

    [Jino] - A man's not a man unless he knows how to shoot

  5. Wah, I berjaya!!
    ANyway, don't do this so often ok, it's unhealthy.

    But I really like the code thing, it's so much fun!!
    Post like this more often la!!

  6. haha beh thanks for trying i bet your hair falls coz use your brain too much haha. anyway its consider healthy lor. ethically healthy, i dont rape people haha. and i am in stress! i know it's not an excuse >.<

    [Jino] - A man's not a man unless he knows how to shoot
