Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Core leave I

Related post:
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4

My company practises core leave of 2 weeks. In another word, it is a compulsory 2 weeks holiday whereby company is not allowed to contact me for work related matter. 

My first move was a quick trip to Penang.

Then very quickly I had my 2nd teeth scaling in my life. The previous experience was rather scary I could see blood, blood and more blood from my gums. That was November 2008 I had the RM 130 scaling at Masjid India, an expenses that was totally uncalled for. As a poor student back then, I did not ask for the service. I WAS FORCED.

This time was no exception but now that the company provides dental treatment as part of employee benefits, I thought it's now a good time to perform some cleaning in my mouth.

I was dead wrong.

The screeching sound and the deadly scream from the dental clinic... is so frightening that my balls shrunk. Not to mention the pain and numbness the scaler inflicted. 

On a brighter note, my mouth is much lighter since most plagues were already removed. Perhaps I should consider teeth whitening.

The service by a dentist and 3 nurses followed by a toothpaste and gargle liquid costed this much:

It's a bomb if I couldn't claim from insurance.

[Jino] - A man's not a man unless he knows how to shoot


  1. puchong only cost you 50 ringgit for the same service! :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. tuls: really... i felt scammed, even though i can claim haha.

    pikey: well~ i can claim!

    [Jino] - A man's not a man unless he knows how to shoot
