Thursday, October 16, 2008

21岁生日 - 云顶

前四天是林北人生第一次21岁生日.人人只有一次21.也不能贪心的啦.林北第一次庆祝生日是2005年,当林北还在念着Form 6.当时是林北和老鼠合祝的.2006年呢就是班上同学帮林北和卡里老师(Kali)同时庆祝的.2007年有好朋友Mok,Chu,KKL和Alan请吃Sushi Station.也有Ricky请吃Kenny Rogers.

人说21岁生日是个特别的日子.有什么特别林北就不知道. 对林北来说,路还是一样跑.国家政治还是那么乱.也有人开心而难过.林北的生日改变不了什么.2008年10月12日就是林北的21岁生日.虽然今年没有蛋糕,没有金锁匙,但林北得到的是礼物,朋友们的祝福愿和一片美好回忆.今年只有一个人陪林北庆祝,就是Edwin.很多朋友还记得这个不重要的日子.他们还依然发送简讯,Friendster留言和播电话给林北.谢谢你们.

当天林北是在云顶度过生日.现在是下雨天.天气很冷.周围都是雾.而林北这大头虾竟然可以忘了带jacket.林北带了shaver cream但是忘了shaver.幸亏好记得带内裤哈哈哈.坐巴士上到去都已经下午12点.然后排队chek in,吃午餐都已经4点钟.都夜了,只好等到明天才去theme park.整个云顶都差不多走完了.这里拍照那里拍.全部都是自拍的.在Coffee Terrace吃了dinner buffet. Buffet was not up to expectation, not much of variety as it looks. I really crave for japanese buffet in Shogun. Who wants to treat me for Shogun? I am always available for free food!!! 然后呢就去Snow World.也是林北的第一次进冰房. My feet were injured by the cold ice, and keep inhaling icy air distort my respiratory tract temporarily.

下一天就去Theme Park玩.下雨时走去indoor玩,停雨后回到outdoor玩.真麻烦.说真的,真得很冷.Rio Float,Euro Express,Bumper Car,Double Decker Carousel (Merry Go Around),Tea Cup,Flying Jumbo,Antique Car,Dinosaur Land,Pirate Ship,Super Toboggan,Cyclone,Corkscrew,Space Shot和Bumper Boat.觉得很刺激又害怕. 抓住你的手,大大声喊叫出来.从outdoor玩到indoor,大大小小统统不放过.可惜的是Spinner,Flying Dragon和Sg Rejang Flume Ride暂时关闭.玩了Space Shot之后有点不舒服就没有玩Flying Coaster. The weather was really freezing, that my butt and hands were frozen solid. I regret wearing thin shirt without jacket... A mixture of scared and cold when I dragged my heavy legs to the Space Shot. Even before rising up, I was holding his hand and screamed like a dog. The assistants and the visitors might be laughing at me, but I was so scared and my balls shrinked. At last I tasted the free fall with 0 gravity, my butt ached awhile. After the ride, the feeling subdue, and excitement started to flush my brain, and that's when I started to dizzy =.=... And I am no longer afraid of Space Shot!!! I am the CHAMPION!!!


This is my birthday presents haha

Thanks for everything.

[Jino] - A man's not a man unless he knows how to shoot

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